Layouts tagged "Taylor"

Top Layouts

— by Taylor Robinson11 Comments


A modern, simple black and red theme for SpaceHey. Features: Dark, simple & modern theme. Modern comments - user details show above comment rather than beside it. Iconic Font Awesome icons - Silk is so 2005. Iconic brings modern icons, with 300% less fam! Modern navbar - The navbar is sticky, and has a cool blurred effect ( supported browsers only! ) Your profile picture glows when you're online A...

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— by Taylor Robinson29 Comments

Online Glow

Adds an glow to your profile picture when you're online. Check out my other layouts!

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— by Taylor Robinson


Adds Font Awesome to SpaceHey, and that's it! Check out my other layouts!

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— by Taylor Robinson1 Comment

Modern Navbar

Gives SpaceHey's navbar a clean, modern look. Check out my other layouts!

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— by Taylor Robinson3 Comments

Modern Comments

Moves the comment details from the left, to the top of the comment. Check out my other layouts!

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