Tags: taylor, modern, dark, black, red, simple, icons, animated, blur, comments
A modern, simple black and red theme for SpaceHey.
- Dark, simple & modern theme.
- Modern comments - user details show above comment rather than beside it.
- Iconic Font Awesome icons - Silk is so 2005. Iconic brings modern icons, with 300% less fam!
- Modern navbar - The navbar is sticky, and has a cool blurred effect (supported browsers only!)
- Your profile picture glows when you're online
- Animated notification indicator
Proxima will automatically update, so if changes are made, you won't have to re-copy the code!
Attribution is prefered, also add me/comment here if you like it, or have any suggestions/improvements!
Check out my other layouts!
Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.
Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.
Displaying 10 of 10 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
hey! im using chrome, and i noticed that the glowing ring is really off centre, like its in the middle of my profile picture. is there any way to fix this?
Wonderful layout!
I love this theme- I just want to report that the glowing ring around the icon when online is slightly out of place when using the Chromium-based Brave browser. Other browsers seem to handle this just fine, so not sure if you would be able to fix this, but I figured I'd let you know.
Yeah, it's impossible to align the online ring to the exact center of the image sadly, so the best I can do is just move it around to the point where it fits the best.
by Taylor Robinson; ; Report
Is there any way for me to disable it for my profile? I know all of the coding is on an external CSS sheet, so not likely, but just figured I'd ask.
by Yuki; ; Report
Try this
.online::before {
display: none;
by Taylor Robinson; ; Report
Worked like a charm, thank you
by Yuki; ; Report
very clean. cute fursona btw
i love it
Ron R
good one...
Cinnamon Girl
Thank you this layout is awesome!!
OMG i love your profil and this is so cool can you add me pleas :)
Love this layout!
Hello! Lol