Layouts tagged "Windows 98"

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— by Lavender14 Comments

Clippy Microsoft Office 97 windowed animation

Hey, it's our good friend, Clippy! Here are several code snippets that will place an animation of Clippy in the bottom right corner of your page. Just choose your flavor! Feel free to adjust the placement, scale, etc. Credit goes to Noikaido309 over on Tumblr for the links to these gifs. The OG gifs can be found here and here.

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— by psyclone

Windows Classic style MySpace logo!

You can see how the logo looks on the page here.

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— by idioteque303 Comments

w98 cd player

have you ever gone "i need more useless stuff on my profile!"? well, i also went "which useless thing do i waste my time on?" so here's a windows 98 inspired overcomplicated cd player!!! icould have just taken a screenshot and plastered it across a div but i had to Do it entirely preview CD Player D isc V iew O ptions H elp [00] 00:00 ▶ ❚❚ ◼ ❚◄◄ ◄◄ ►► ►►❚ ❚ ► A rtist: Title: Total Play: 00:00 m:s ...

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— by psyclone4 Comments

Windows Classic SpaceHey logo

a logo inspired by windows classic

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— by ida🦌✨💜419 Comments

Windows 95/98 Layout

bunch o' code that makes your profile look like Windows 95/98, most of the colours and things are editable and there's comments pointing to what all the colours are, so feel free to make an abhorrent rainbow version of the theme if that's what you like :3 feel free to let me know if there's any issues with the layout and i'll try to fix them!!

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— by TWILA'S LAY0UT SHACK32 Comments

🌴🌊.•* Windows 98 *•.🌊🌴 💧h20 series💧


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