Theme based after vintage supermarkets from the 80's and 90's. It's sort of an amalgamation of things I found in photos on the Cari site , and a mishmash of elements that don't work too well together but look nice anyways. This is a very nice theme to use if you want your page to look like the store your grandma goes to to buy groceries! ALSO , ALL the colors that aren't used on the lattice backgr...
layout by cristiana A fun donut-themed layout for your page. Click here to view it live on my blog and give kudos if you feel like it. Leave a comment somewhere if you like it and you think I should know.
For the Valentine's Day themes Layout event that thetwylightzone are collaborating together to do. If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for making this layout!!! Credits are appreciated (a post, a bulletin or something else that can support me) You have permission to use this for your Layout only, you d...
hi i found this layout on [] if you use it, copy the layout code onto your "about me" section. have fun!
I made this for myself but decided to post it just in case anyone else wants to use it :P credit is not necessary but appreciated :) use this as a base if u want & there is no music (looks a bit iffy on phones) matching blog/bulletin layout