Layouts tagged "Blinkie"

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— by s0dabra1n14 Comments

— by OZZY!! ^-^

— by ailana37 Comments

pink blingee sticker pack!

should be around 10-14 stickers... idk i forget really random and they prob dont size together well so you might want to move them around but heres the coding for them! leave suggestions but emo is next!! (couldnt fit them all in the pic btw sorry 3)

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— by Fried_Organs79 Comments

Basil stamps! +blinkie

All made by me :D (All of them can be found on my tumblr-

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— by Fried_Organs83 Comments

Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am

I doubt, therefore I am — or what is the same — I think, therefore I am (Can be found on my Tumblr -

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— by Flippy/Fliqpy6 Comments

Bis3xual blinkie

created it with comment "using" if your using it!, you don't need to give me credit

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— by Fried_Organs53 Comments

Smiling friends blinkie (made this for my sis 🙂)

Can be found on my Tumblr-

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— by ∑GexxeG5 Comments

Jerma For Every Layout

A jerma for you. You dont have to credit me.

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— by Fried_Organs38 Comments

Aubrey stamps!! +blinkie

All are made by me!! ♡ (Stamps can be found on- (Blinkie can be found on-

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— by Tobben van Elric69 Comments

Blinkies by me

Blinkies made by me, comment if using, credits are not needed (obviously)

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— by OZZY!! ^-^3 Comments

— by OZZY!! ^-^

— by OZZY!! ^-^5 Comments

— by puppypunk 🍉 (the analog horror mf)11 Comments


Some of them are fandom related ;-; (“BAD HABIT :]’ and ‘this user might be an alternate’)

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— by puppypunk 🍉 (the analog horror mf)2 Comments

Sharkie friend/fan blinkies

First one Second one Third one

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— by Tobben van Elric63 Comments


Not necessary comment if using

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— by emalee☣(joshs wife) 8 Comments

Emalee's fan blinkies

I'm too cool, you should use these😊

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— by Tobben van Elric49 Comments


I made those (except the Lacey one) so comment if using

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— by Tobben van Elric11 Comments


Not necessary comment if using

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— by OZZY!! ^-^