Layouts tagged "Apple"

Top Layouts

— by frieda 🛸44 Comments

— by ipCar0h☆7 Comments

red apple banner!! 3

this one's really cute imo- comment if using!! :D

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— by ipCar0h☆5 Comments

red apple banner!! 2

aaaaa iiii looooove this one's colorssss hope u like it too!! comment if using!!

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— by ipCar0h☆4 Comments

red apple banner!! [REQUESTED]

eeee i'll probably upload a different one of the same fruit later, i liked multiple ones lolz comment of using!! x3

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— by xx_3t1nnsecret3 Comments

— by L9 Comments


found on tumblr!!! comment if there is any bugs!!!

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— by Operator8 Comments

Orange iPod commercials layout

Change the song url to whatever you please Change #f59010 to whatever iPod color you need Comment "using" if you do

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— by Crash Test Dummy1 Comment

Bad Apples

Snow White, Adam and Eve, and Newton all victims of bad apples. They say a few bad apples spoils the bunch.

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— by alexis4 Comments

macOS (light mode)

This layout was intended to look like Apple's macOS Operating System. It uses the background from macOS Big Sur, and has colors picked from iTunes in macOS Big Sur's system light mode. This layout is licensed under the WTFPL , which means you may use, copy, modify, steal, appropriate, or whatever else you may want, without any need to ask permission or forgiveness from me. No credit or anything re...

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— by alexis6 Comments

macOS (dark mode)

This layout was intended to look like Apple's macOS Operating System. It uses the background from macOS Big Sur, and has colors picked from iTunes in macOS Big Sur's system dark mode. This layout is licensed under the WTFPL , which means you may use, copy, modify, steal, appropriate, or whatever else you may want, without any need to ask permission or forgiveness from me. No credit or anything req...

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— by Cory44 Comments


Bring back the heyday of Mac OS X with this 10.4-inspired layout, complete with startup screen and sound effect. Contact links are moved to the bottom of the screen as a dock. Works great in Chrome, Firefox and of course  Safari, and looks great in mobile too.  If you use my code, I'd love it if you friended me or at least left a comment, thanks!

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