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Layouts tagged "Cursors"
Top Layouts
— by skunk — 52 Comments
demolition lovers cursor
read title, paste in about me 2 use ^^ comment if using n feel free 2 add me
— by .jose — 20 Comments
paste the code in the about me section. if u have any problem, tell me please. if u use it COMMENT!!!! solo pega el code en la parte de about me si tienes algun inconveniente o no funciona, avisamepls SI LO USAS COMENTAAA
— by Eric / Kenny — 27 Comments
— by inactive tav 💥 — 36 Comments
— by inactive tav 💥 — 3 Comments
— by isla — 8 Comments
south park stan marsh head expression cursor
copy and paste the url below to the about me section of your profile, if the cursor is not working and/or is only working in a certain spot of your profile, please paste the cursor url in between two other layout urls, it can be any layout url *youtube, images, gifs, etc* like a url sandwhich
— by isla — 26 Comments
south park eric cartman cursor
copy and paste the url into the about me section on your profile, if the cursor does not work and/or is only appearing in a certain spot of your profile, please put the cursor url in between two other layout urls
— by isla — 31 Comments
kyle broflovski cursor
south park kyle broflovski cursor copy and paste the url below for the cursor to work if its not appearing or only working on a certain side of your profile, please put the url in between two urls like a layout or a music emend like a url sandwhich
— by arlo atomickk — 114 Comments
Simple Green Forest Layout
Includes: custom cursor and blinkie status, rain autoplay and animation overlay star icons for your page, treeees. Anyone can use just lmk in the comments :3
— by arlo atomickk — 184 Comments
Pink Y2K Bimbocore Layout
Includes: autoplaying music, custom cursor, online blinkie status, custom page links and icons, some aesthetic images, LOTS OF GLITTER! Free for everyone to use just lmk in the comments!
— by ✩𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕘𝕘𝕪✩
Daisy Cursor
Here is the code to make your cursor a cute smiling flower. Just copy the code and paste the code. I got the cursor from totallyfreecursors.com. IM me if you have any problems. TYSM !!
— by spamtonium — 1 Comment
Big Pawprint Cursor
This is a very simple layout code that adds a cursor of a pawprint to your page! Looks best against a light background. Credits: This cursor image was made by me, edited from a stock image! Here's my cursors page if you want to see other ones that I've made: https://spamtonium.neocities.org/cursors.html To Use: Paste the provided code in your "About Me" section at the bottom of everything (this co...
— by spamtonium — 58 Comments
Skeleton Cursor
This is a very simple layout code that adds a cursor of a skeleton to your page! Please note that because it's white, this is kind of hard to see if you haven't also edited the color of your page layout. Looks best against a dark background. Credits: : This cursor image was made by me, edited from a stock image! Here's my cursors page if you want to see other ones that I've made: https://spamtoniu...