paste the code in the about me section. if u have any problem, tell me please. if u use it COMMENT!!!! solo pega el code en la parte de about me si tienes algun inconveniente o no funciona, avisamepls SI LO USAS COMENTAAA
paste the code in the about me section. if u have any problem, tell me please. if u use it COMMENT!!!! solo pega el code en la parte de about me si tienes algun inconveniente o no funciona, avisamepls SI LO USAS COMENTAAA
Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! The profile layout is flipped to give the layout a different look! 😊 Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! If you'd like to be super nice & credit me somewhere on your page, that would be much appreciated as well! Additionally, feel free to add me! I always love gaining new friends!
Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! The profile layout is flipped to give the layout a different look! 😊 Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! If you'd like to be super nice & credit me somewhere on your page, that would be much appreciated as well! Additionally, feel free to add me! I always love gaining new friends!
If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for making this layout!!! Credits are appreciated (a post, a bulletin or something else that can support me) You have permission to use this for your Layout only, you don't have permission to post elsewhere without giving a link to the original crediting me.