Layouts tagged "Pesterchum"

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— by hubert breast209 Comments


!Important!: on the line that reads " :root{--blood-color: #0021bc;}" replace the hex code with your preferred blood color, or it will default to indigo! Makes your page look like Trollian, the other fictional chat client from Homestuck 8) If you find anything that looks wrong, just let me know in the comments and I'll patch it in an update. !!please credit if used!! Current Version: 1.0

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— by hubert breast208 Comments


Makes your page look like Pesterchum, the fictional chat client from Homestuck :o) If you find anything that looks wrong, just let me know in the comments and I'll patch it in an update. !!please credit if used!! Current Version: 1.1 Patch note: added support for different blood colors

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