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Layouts tagged "Pearl"
Top Layouts
— by eli / midnight valentine β‘β — 5 Comments
Color Pulse Splatoon2 Music
Color pulse from Splatoon 2 1 Hour loop. paste into bottom of about me!
LIKE HOW THIS LOOKS? These "layouts" are meant to spice up your SpaceHey blog posts ! - - - Thank you to Bela for the putting together the base code for this, check them out! - - - CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO GET IT! INSTRUCTIONS 1) Click The Gif Below That'll Take You To The Preview 2) Get The Code On The Preview 3) Make sure to paste it into the 'HTML' Mode Above The Post Box Under 'Content' Anytim...
— by Miscellanity
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl(Christmas Style)
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl inspired layout. Feel free to get rid of the Christmas part of the coding. I was lazy so yeah. Also at the end there's a piece of coding that's spaced out from the main code. put it in the hero section of your page. **** If you use it please credit me.****