Layouts tagged "Template"

Top Layouts

— by Inactive 😢

Intro screen template!!

Code taken from : , all creds goes to them!

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— by 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐑1 Comment

My profile template

the template i used to make my current one and the one i'll use to make future ones, relatively simple and easy to follow, ask me if you have any questions. i'm EXTREMELY new to html so credits to boogley who made the original template, i added my own edits to it. if using, please either follow, give kudos or comment 'using' :3c

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— by β˜†Konataβ˜†41 Comments

Bubblegum Pink

Yet another pink layout. Very simple chewy design yumm yummm. you can always swap background-image url for div .top for ur own header :))

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— by 5 Comments

— by MetalHeart1 Comment

— by roxy1 Comment

— by roxy10 Comments

change the titles of the contact links

been trying 2 do this 4 a while n thought 2 myself hey theres got 2 b at least one other person whos also tryna figure this shit out so uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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— by flesh


basic template to edit from

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— by temporary84 Comments

Minimal Black

A minimal black layout based on my Minimal White layout, which in turn is based Bela's pink layout My Minimal White layout Bela's original Pink layout Feel free to modify and redistribute, but please credit Bela and me by adding links back to the original themes if you publish your own version. Feel free to sug...

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— by Boogley15 Comments

Profile layout template

Thanks to Heath's  group , I was able to piece together a profile layout template to use. I added and edited attributes to my own liking. Color, images, headers, fonts, cursors, borders, text colors, all left blank and ready for you to copy - paste - and edit c: Feel free to add and take away anything you want. It took me a bit to put together as a beginner coder and I still have little experience...

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