Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! If you'd like to be super nice & credit me somewhere on your page, that would be much appreciated as well! Additionally, feel free to add me! I always love gaining new friends! ๐
Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! If you'd like to be super nice & credit me somewhere on your page, that would be much appreciated as well! Additionally, feel free to add me! I always love gaining new friends! ๐
Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! If you'd like to be super nice & credit me somewhere on your page, that would be much appreciated as well! Additionally, feel free to add me! I always love gaining new friends! ๐
Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! If you'd like to be super nice & credit me somewhere on your page, that would be much appreciated as well! Additionally, feel free to add me! I always love gaining new friends! ๐
Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! If you'd like to be super nice & credit me somewhere on your page, that would be much appreciated as well! Additionally, feel free to add me! I always love gaining new friends! ๐
Hello Everyone! I hope you like this layout I created! It's my first one i made..It's very simple. :) Please let me know in the comments if you decide to use this layout! Enjoy :D
This layout is a black, white, and red edgy theme. It also has a super cute skull cursor! This does have an autoplay soundcloud feature located at the top of the code. Youll also notice the blinkies, stamps, and dividers are missing from the code. I got these from https://collection.ju.mp/# . Message me if you have any questions! Also if you use this comment or friend me (18+), I spent hours on th...
-Feel free to change anything you like. -If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments below or on my blog . - You can view the full-sized image here . - To use this layout, copy and paste the code below into the "About Me" section of your profile. *Friendly reminder: it's against Spacehey rules to hide the Spacehey logo, search bar, or logout buttons in the navigation section.* Just ...
Notes: Anything you want under the Blurbs area can be added into your Who I'd Like To Meet section . Comments are hidden on this layout (add comment still showing). Interest section labels are hidden, but you can still fill in the areas to have things on the left side of the profile.
por qué estoy haciendo esto keberguenza ueno me gusta como quedó mi layout actual así que quise subirlo :)) no tienen que darme créditos (me chupa 3 huevos honestamente a) yyyyyy está todo más que bien si lo usan como plantilla para sus propios layouts!! total yo tampoco soy experte y también usé alguna que otra plantilla, así que les entiendo wkfnekrjf asiq nafa sean felices coman perdices yomevo...
pink themed emo/scene MySpace esque layout! if you use this layout please CREDIT or ADD me! thx! if you have any questions/concerns/requests/general comments, be sure to leave them below!! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for making this layout!!! Credits are appreciated (a post, a bulletin or something else that can support me) You have permission to use this for your Layout only, you don't have permission to post elsewhere without giving a link to the original crediting