Layouts tagged "Moving Image"

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— by Nero24 Comments

Profile pic floating animation (hover)!

It's the same as my other floating animation layout This one just has a small difference, which is that instead of ".friend img:hover" it is ".profile-pic:hover" so.. again... You can change the animation to shaking if you've got the code from another layout (like mixing codes!) To do so you have to change the animation (under ".profile-pic:hover{") from "Animation: 0.5s float" to "Animation: 0.5s...

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— by Nero28 Comments

Friend floating image animation!

You can change the animation to shaking if you've got the code from another layout (like mixing codes!) To do so you have to change the animation (under ".friends img:hover{") from "Animation: 0.5s float" to "Animation: 0.5s Animation Name ", you can also change the time the animation plays at to a faster or slower speed by changing the 0.5 seconds of the same section! Also I can't post a screensh...

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