Precious Moment figure (left)
I don't know what this figure is called or what year it was made because its unfortunately not in my collection. ♡ Please comment if using!
I don't know what this figure is called or what year it was made because its unfortunately not in my collection. ♡ Please comment if using!
— by Loveu — 4 Comments
This figure is called "Make A Joyful Noise" made in 1978. It is one I recently got, but its the oldest one in my collection. ♡ Please comment if using!
This figure is called "The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away" made in 1987. I have this figure in my collection and it was the 3rd one I got. ♡ Please comment if using!
This figure is called "You Have Touched So Many Hearts" and it was made in 1991. I have it in my collection and it is super cute. ♡ Please comment if using!
This figure is called "Mother Sew Dear" and it was made in 1979, making it the oldest in my collection so far. ♡ Please comment if using! (Edit; I just found out its not the oldest in my collection anymore! I have one that is just one year older, made in 1978, called "Make A Joyful Noise"!)
— by Loveu — 6 Comments
The figure is "Bless The Days Of Our Youth" made in 1985. I have it in my collection and its super cute. Its the 2nd one I got. ♡ Please comment if using! Sorry for the low quality.