Layouts tagged "Cutesy"

Top Layouts

— by ๐œ—๐œšโ€โ”ˆโ€๐ฆedicaliaโ€.โ€(โ€prof is a wipโ€)25 Comments

CANDiED CAPSULES | super sonicodes

hiii i'm back! i deleted my account because this site was SUPERRR stressful but now i'm back, so i'm reuploading all my layouts! enjoy! not suited for mobile, blogs or bulletins!

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— by 6 Comments

LOViNG | teary layouts

like how i gave away my marumofubiyori layout to the public when i changed it, i'm doing the same with this gal! layout includes: - almost everything hidden, excluding the blurbs, general about, contact and navigation bar - a teddy bear on one side, a dokia on the other side ( credits to idioteque for the dokia! ) - speaking of idioteque, this layout is slightly inspired by their layouts! - there'...

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— by Prince's CSS Lab 46 Comments

Pretty Pink Puppy Layout!

This profile theme is perfect for all puppy prince and princesses of SpaceHey!  Credit is not necessary, however do NOT claim it as your own. 

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— by โ˜… patch โ˜…24 Comments

paris hilton eat your heart out | cutesy pink y2k layout

my first ever fully custom layout! i've only ever vaguely edited tumblr themes before, so the code is a little bit messy, but i thoroughly tested everything and, it works! it should be p easily customizable, too! :D this layout also includes my custom clandestine cursor, bc what would the 2000s be without pete wentz's influence? if you'd like just the cursor, you can check that out here . please c...

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— by Kyubyte28 Comments