— by duncannnn — 24 Comments
Bluey!!!!!! bluey buddy gif! (right)
mum! dad! bingo! bluey! bluey in the bottom of the right side of ur screen!
— by duncannnn — 24 Comments
mum! dad! bingo! bluey! bluey in the bottom of the right side of ur screen!
This is a bluey layout for all the bluey fans out there [including me lol] Use credit and comment if ur gonna use it
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blueys theme song auto play put the entire code under or above your current code. no credit needed requests open
— by — 4 Comments
my first bluey layout. autoplays the bluey theme song. cursor taken from other layout. no credit needed. edit however you like. if i remove a certain gif of a pumpkin, the entire code breaks. idk why. it doesnt show up on the page, just in the code.