Layouts tagged "Microsoft"

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— by Lavender14 Comments

Clippy Microsoft Office 97 windowed animation

Hey, it's our good friend, Clippy! Here are several code snippets that will place an animation of Clippy in the bottom right corner of your page. Just choose your flavor! Feel free to adjust the placement, scale, etc. Credit goes to Noikaido309 over on Tumblr for the links to these gifs. The OG gifs can be found here and here.

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— by psyclone3 Comments

Windows 11 Light v1

Modified version of Windows 7 Basic layout by Tilin . Made to look like Windows 11.

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— by IPTVman12 Comments

Windows 7 Aero Basic

This theme is for enhanced readability purposes

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— by asscastle21 Comments

Windows 3

Created for my own profile, but I've been told that it's cool and that I should share the code so here it is! This layout skins your profile to resemble the Windows 3x operating system. It gives all sections of your profile a really cool-looking border, it skins all of the buttons such as those in the navbar and the comments box, and it adds a whole bunch of cool graphical icons to your contacts b...

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— by Macky

Windows 95

Just a Windows 95 layout I made. If you end up using it, I don't care if you mention me or anything of the sorts (it's the internet, everything is shared). I haven't commented every single aspect of it due to laziness. If you want to change anything about it, just look through the code. Heavily modifying parts of layouts I want and using the template by meh!! here. I modified it enough that I feel...

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