Layouts tagged "Christian"

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— by Sam 5 Comments

ANGEL blinkie

for christians like you and me

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— by ︻デ═一 ▸⭐ TOM ⭐2 Comments


The original video is here . The original video had an introduction at the start, and that cramped my style so I edited it.

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— by ︻デ═一 ▸⭐ TOM ⭐70 Comments


He's a hanging skelly. End tag makes it easier if you want to delete it later on but its mixed in with all the other code and you dont know where it starts and shit, if you dont like it, get rid of the end tag. to change from right to left change "position: fixed; right:" to "position: fixed; left:" i think getting rid of the left/right makes the skelly swing in the middle.

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— by Sir. Carson [NEW ACC IN ABT ME]3 Comments

Jesus <3

Jesus Christ layout

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