Layouts tagged "Stamp"

Top Layouts

— by ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖34 Comments


if you want to use the layout, then write in the comments "using" | если хотите использовать макет,то пишите в комментариях "использую" !!!DELETE ALL ()!!! cr :

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— by PBE!!!(𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂)12 Comments

my cats


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— by s0dabra1n14 Comments

— by ailana37 Comments

pink blingee sticker pack!

should be around 10-14 stickers... idk i forget really random and they prob dont size together well so you might want to move them around but heres the coding for them! leave suggestions but emo is next!! (couldnt fit them all in the pic btw sorry 3)

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— by Fried_Organs79 Comments

Basil stamps! +blinkie

All made by me :D (All of them can be found on my tumblr-

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— by nonsipi🍉6 Comments

— by PBE!!!(𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂)38 Comments

stamps!!! (GORE BELOW!! DONT GO DOWN!!)

here r some stamps if you want some stamps cause stamps are kewl (TW for some blood on deadplate stamp) also if you're looking for layouts pls just use popular layouts or search for what you need

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— by emma !!12 Comments

jschlatt stamps !!!

made by d✩nny !!! im just sharing !!!! ----- ----- (also, sorry if they look kinda blurry.. its just the screenshot lol)

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— by ☆★Mike★☆88 Comments

Transgender Stamp

Comment if using!! :33

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— by ☆★Mike★☆184 Comments

— by Fried_Organs38 Comments

Aubrey stamps!! +blinkie

All are made by me!! ♡ (Stamps can be found on- (Blinkie can be found on-

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— by Tobben van Elric54 Comments


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— by Tobben van Elric25 Comments

Mother 3 and Kirby stamps

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— by ⛧ Evan Ghostheart ⛧3 Comments

trans cat robot stamp

i found the cat on an instagram reel and people harassed me for being trans and cheering on the cat...SO I TURNED IT INTO A STAMP!!! STAY MAD TRANSPHOBES AHAHAHAHA

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— by Tobben van Elric5 Comments

Mini stamps, seven deadly sins edition

Not necessary comment if using Pride List Sloth Envy Greed Gluttony Anger

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— by Tobben van Elric19 Comments

Mini stamps

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— by Tobben van Elric57 Comments


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— by Tobben van Elric37 Comments

Some stamps and buttons

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— by ༺♰༻Clementine༺♰༻ (Autoplay!)34 Comments

Gothic image things for ur profile

codes are labeled if u have any problems pls tell me :3 🖤🖤🖤 u can see my profile for examples of them.

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— by Tobben van Elric5 Comments

Italian Language level

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