
Here you can discover SpaceHey Layouts (Designs), add them to your Profile and share your own creations!

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— by paste55 Comments

MySpace logo for SpaceHey

You can change the "SpaceHey" logo to the "MySpace" logo. btw add me to friends i like that

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— by alucard ✮124 Comments

Black & Red Vampire Layout

hi everyone! this is a vampire layout i created for all you blood suckers!   this theme includes custom: - cursor - background - headers & footers - fonts - interest labels - contact gifs/icons - friend icon shadow - colors - borders - online gif   also included: - hidden profile link - centered blurbs & friends space - lowercase font   for a live preview this layout, copy the code below and paste...

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— by Kiiren 141 Comments

A layout I created ^_^

I made this a while ago but I felt like sharing it for people to use!! You can edit it if you want!!

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— by mawiya 242 Comments

— by rex37 Comments

emily the strange layout

black and red layout inspired by emily the strange. if u use pls credit by putting my profile link in ur bio!

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— by ✭ Fren-z ✭74 Comments

The Cure Layout!

Has animations and autoplaying music!

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— by TheJasmineSixx (LunaGloomyCore)70 Comments


copy and paste feel free to change please give me credit if you use this, comment and hit the kudos button

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— by skunk85 Comments


copy n paste code to use!!!! comment if using, none r mine feel free to add me \(>w

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— by r.o.u.s.52 Comments

dropdown menu!!!

dropdown menu for your profile

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— by Bulka283 Comments

Scene and emo stamps >_<

RAWR!! don't forget to comment ''using'' if used!! >_

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— by TheTrash32 Comments


I've made this laytout dreaming about Windows95. In my profile i use one background image, if you want it you can download it here , reupload on your favorite image hosting site  and add the link to the appropiate section of css.  It surely needs some improovements so leave me a feedback, i really appreciate it! 25/02/2021 As suggested from  ☣️Clu☣️   I've implemented the bio like a scrollable win...

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— by gulu_gulu_s69 Comments inspired layout

made this layout, feel free to use and change anything you dont like! please keep in mind that im new at coding so this layout is obviously not perfect. if anything isnt working please let me know and ill try my best to fix it! also if youre gonna use this please tell me on the comments :3

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— by clear67 Comments

Witch's Notes Layout

Mostly monochrome with some cyan accents, I just wanted to make something loosely inspired by sticky notes. Layout features: -- grid background that changes color with your background's color (You can change this by changing the body tag's background color from "lightgrey" to whatever) -- 1 side gif (mayura) -- all icons are star pixels -- custom logo -- customized buttons *not made to be viewed o...

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— by Taylor Robinson11 Comments


A modern, simple black and red theme for SpaceHey. Features: Dark, simple & modern theme. Modern comments - user details show above comment rather than beside it. Iconic Font Awesome icons - Silk is so 2005. Iconic brings modern icons, with 300% less fam! Modern navbar - The navbar is sticky, and has a cool blurred effect ( supported browsers only! ) Your profile picture glows when you're online A...

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— by Katie129 Comments

Pastel Rainbow Layout

If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for making this layout!!! Credits are appreciated (a post, a bulletin or something else that can support me)  You have permission to use this for your Layout only, you don't have permission to post elsewhere without giving a link to the original crediting me

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— by ray ☆ 🍉 (yuri lover ⚢)160 Comments

foundations of decay layout

pls comment if used !! no credit needed but it is appreciated:)

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— by !!𖤐Sleepy_Gh0st𖤐!!66 Comments

Space Theme Layout🌠

please credit me if you use this thank you

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— by 🕸 CADAVERICA 🕸197 Comments

🕷👁 !𝕰𝖞𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕾𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓! 👁🕷

𝔏𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔞 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔦𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔦𝔱! 𝔈𝔫𝔧𝔬𝔶𝔶𝔶!!!

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— by TWILA'S LAY0UT SHACK71 Comments

*•.Lofi & its raining while a vhs plays softly. •* gif


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