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Layout published by nanno


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Royal Purple Terminal

Tags: royal purple, terminal, coding, purple, minimal, simple, dark, computer, black, hacker


A night-time purple royal theme for developers, coders, and those who are more minimalistic.

Before you use this theme you may want to customize the code!

Change the css code in ":root" to this:

mynamesize: this is how large your name is
curve: how curved the boxes are

topic1: general
topic2: music (default) | movies and tv (this layout)
topic3: movies (default) | music (this layout)
topic4: television (default) | languages (this layout)
topic5: books
topic6: heroes (default) | miscellaneous (this layout)
myactions: Contacting {Username} (default) | contact me (this layout)
mytopics: {username}'s interests (default) | my interests (this layout)
mylinks: {username}'s links (default) | my links (this layout)

casing: none (default) | lowercase (this layout) โ€“ Use this to change it to all caps, for example


Layout Screenshot
click on the image for a larger preview

Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.

Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.