funnybone's profile picture

Layout published by funnybone


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midnight sky layout

Tags: purple, retro, round, space, 80s, black, theme, dark, neon


a layout i whipped up per request! i don't usually do requests, but i figured hey, why not? and it turned out pretty cool! the screenshot i grabbed is from the spacehey layout editor, by heroin-bob on github. it's a third party tool, so things may look a little bit different when you upload this to your own profile! i've checked it on the website proper, though, and it seems fine. this layout comes in retro purple, with lots of rounded corners and floaty-type blocks. it's pretty simple as far as themes go, but it looks nice! there's plenty of room here to fiddle around and add extra bells and whistles. if you have any issues with this code, send me a DM! chances are, i put a bandaid over a bug and it's starting to peel. T_T if you're good at coding don't perceive this spaghetti or i'll cry. credit is greatly appreciated, but not necessary! comment down below if you're using it and want to show it off!


Layout Screenshot
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Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.

Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.