melt's profile picture

Layout published by melt


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santa hat + animated candy cane pfp border!

Tags: christmas, holiday, festive, layout, gif, red


note: the santa hat code is modified from spacehey's! their original santa hat code can be found here. just wanted to give credit where credit is due!

i whipped up the code for this candy cane border and thought the little santa hats on everyone's profile were adorable, so i combined the two! it's mobile-responsive. the santa hat can be removed, though, if that isn't your style. feel free to modify the positioning, rotating, size, etc. if you want to change it up. i use this layout editor to experiment without having to use my actual profile.

i'm not the best at coding, so if this can be improved in any way please let me know! also, comments would be super appreciated if you're using or if you like it! <3 i'd love to check out your pages!

(just paste the code between style tags in your blurbs, as always.)

candy cane border, so you can see it animated:


Layout Screenshot
click on the image for a larger preview

Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.

Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.