Tags: mcr, mcr, my chemical romance, bullets, i brought you my bullets you brought me your love
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Simple layout based around MCR's first album :) add your own music or message me for code for a song! I keep trying to add a picture but for some reason it wont upload :(
Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.
Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
srry but can you do code of teengers for my profille plz
srry but can you do code of teengers for my profille plz
payday 4 now including hamburger helper dallas
girl it's a little broken
unfortunately like half my layouts have been breaking and I haven't had time to get to the root of the problem :/ think its an imgur thing. thanks for letting me know!
by x_mace.n0thing_x; ; Report