Large animated text in "About Me"

Tags: big, text, animated, html, title, gif


The code will add a large animated text in the "About Me" section, although if you want, you can put it elsewhere as in the "Who would I like to meet" section, the animation is very simple, it is an animation which makes this text move up and down over and over again, if you know a little bit of HTML you can change the animation. At the end of the code there is a part where what matters appears, at the bottom of the code will be the part where it says "Hello World!", there you change the text to whatever you want. If you liked it please say so in the comments, and if you use it please say "Using" or something like that so I know that people do like this stuff and so I can do more things like this.


Layout Screenshot
click on the image for a larger preview

Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.

Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.