/* Floating Vittorino next 2 profile */ /* This code gives you the three (wise) Vittorinos and rabbits on the side. This was a pain in the ass to make / edit. */ /* Layout itself (very top of it is a music player that plays the song 'Kiss me, son of God' by They Might Be Giants. If you don't want that song, change the url after /embed/, or just remove it altogether.) */ A layout for 8:11 by Dubuk ...
A layout for FAITH: The Unholy Trinity by Airdorf Games . This is a work in progress, also, I'm trying to get a gif pfp that might work for the layout (that doesn't go under it), any suggestions to fix this will most definitely help. The logo for the game is the home button in case anyone wants to know without having to click the back button on their browsers. I haven't checked to see if this is m...
A collection of songs to the animated project "Mystery Skulls Animated" (MSA) By MysteryBen27. I figured since everyone else is spamming music onto the recent upload section even though it's as simple as just copying the embed and replacing the song embed after the text ' https://www.youtube.com/embed/ ' , why not upload something I really like too?
Just a replica of the Dov Mes profile boarders as seen in the bad series.. Specifically in Vol. 4, and Presto. This will be just a small part in an upcoming layout of Dov Mes I'm working on. And to a certain person.. You can wait. As of 2024, screw off since you went str8 to d1ck suck1ng him. If you use this, please note that it probably will be a bit buggy, so please work it to the best of your a...
It's really bad, but I tried. Feel free to edit it however you'd like! But please just comment below and/or give kudos! I'd love to see what you all do with this format! Keep the warning in the layout code in mind!