Tags: beach, tropical, waves, simple, profile, autoplay, ambience
Very simple layout only, changes navigation bar and adds a cyan border/ /BTW, the neko intro is not included! i only put there since the audio glitches on blog when you go there by link, intros fixes ^^" If still not, i reccomend going to my blog manually so it work blog.spacehey.com/user?id=1799687/ /Works on blog or profile, maybe even on phone too. Pretty sure it can work being mixed with other layouts, BUt i reccomend testing on blog to not break your profile!!/ /If you want to remove any autoplay: Autoplay 1: Ambience/ /Autoplay 2: ukelele & chill, you can find at the bottom of the code. both sounds work./ / works in profile and blog, preview: https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=1064007 tell me if not working so i can see what can i do, making more of these later x3 comment if using :3
Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.
Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.
Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
so cool, i am usinggg
using :333
So cool!!!
thankyou!!! :D
by xXPixieDaNekoXx; ; Report
BTW, the neko intro is not included! i only put there since the audio glitches on blog when you go there by link, intros fixes ^^"
If still not, i reccomend going to my blog manually so it work blog.spacehey.com/user?id=1799687
by xXPixieDaNekoXx; ; Report