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Layout published by benjamin


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Tags: layout, speedcore, autoplay, layouts, playlist, song, music, scene, scenecore


"I apologize for naming the video incorrectly. I couldn't think of the specific correct genre name and I chose the wrong. so please take the title genre with a grain of salt." - SHOUNENTRON

it autoplays cute music on your page, how neat! πŸ€ credits to SHOUNENTRON for this cute playlist they put together. γƒΎ(・ω・*) this playlist includes: SLIMOSINE β€” BAKA BAKA BAKA - [1HRSC], 4lung- I WANT TO BE A PUPPY AND I WANT TO GET BONED, 666 VOLT VS CHU CHU- HOOKER PALACE, EGGPRIEST β€” NUCLEOSYNTHESIZER, Renard - THE CANDY PUMP, Renard - I JUST CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT BALLS, goreshit β€” strawberry cheesecake, 4lung - Gemini Vibe, LESBIAN PONIES WITH WEAPONS - Vylet Pony, RAWRDCORE β€” HUNG @ SUNRISE, Hank Made Me Vomit (Good Riddance, Undying Shitlord), dumbass bitch β€” DR. LOONYLEGS GETS E. COLI AND DIES


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