Tags: animation, scroll, text, marquee
in order to change the font go to google fonts and filter for sans serif fonts. once you've gotten your font of choice replace the word "Lato" in this ('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lato:wght@700&family=Roboto:wght@700&display=swap') thingy and in the font family section with your font's name....ㅤ changing font size should be obvious just increase or decrease the px as needed...ㅤ to change the color https://g.co/kgs/pjwE1n you can use that.. once you have your color of choice copy the HEX and replace the "#000000" in the font color section with itㅤ if you'd like to change the direction that the text is going simply replace the direction of "left" with "right"ㅤ if you'd like to make multiple lines of text you don't need to paste theㅤ "style .test_code_1 { font-size: 20px; font-family: Lato, sans-serrif; /style" part every time, you only need to paste that once, instead you only need to paste this partㅤㅤ "div class="test_code_1"marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"font color="#000000"text goes here/font>/marquee/div"ㅤ and change the whatever you did the first time as needed
Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.
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dumbchan ( ´ཀ` )
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using! thank you!
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