Nightmare Parade - FAKETYPE Link to video. code's been tested and works.
"might be leaving spacehey"
just a 16 year old whos been left behind.
Last active:
SpaceHey Layouts URL: Link to video. code's been tested and works.
hope it works, I did check the code, THIS ONE Has the cuss words and the intro with VAL and VOX!!!
Sometimes code doesnt work so put the words 'Autoplay testing:' and the code below it, if it works good!
Heres the person's awesome channel who did this beautiful AMV! go watch their stuff they are really talented!
Transformers bayverse theme, Autobots by Steve Jablonsky. comment if code is not working [should be since i tested it.]
transformers fans unit! bayverse here we go! comment if not working. has been tested!
for my transformer fans. comment if not working so i can fix it lol.
for all my transformers animated buddies. comment if code not working please. no credit needed lol.
for my transformers fans, comment if not working! no credits needed