love like woe - the ready set (music video)
the code will autoplay this mv :-) friend me if u use
"we are the brothers of insecurity"
beating heart baby
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the code will autoplay this mv :-) friend me if u use
replace the song in the code to whatever u want! lmk if it doesnt work. the now playing part is a marquee so ignore how it looks off-frame. MAKE SURE TO ADD THE CODE FOR THE SONG U WANT!!!!! the code linked does not include it. friend me if u use :-)
hope this hasnt been done before... i used the ravenblack flavor quiz code thing 4 this cuz i thought itd be cool. the code linked has the song we're going to be friends by the white stripes but feel free to change it to whatever u want. no need for creds either since it isnt rly my og code either haha but friend me if u use!!!!
friend me if u use :-) note -- the song takes a little bit to play since i used a certain yt video for the link, nd it has a long intro, but it does work