Hi! This is a repeating loop code for i9bonsai's "waitin 4ur ## call" All rights to the song go to i9bonsai, I am just sharing this code for people to use on their layout! Enjoy the music, and comment if you use it and it works for you!! love u bonsai (^_--)
For the fashion icons of SpaceHey, this is a repeating loop for the Style Savvy Apartment Theme song! Let me know in the comments if you use it and it works for you! Enjoy the music :) All rights to the song go to Nintendo, I am just sharing this code for people to use in their layout.
Hi, this is a music code for the song "flash casenova sample extended" that comes from "LEASE" by Takeshi Abo and sampled in Yabujin's "FLASH CASENOVA." (This is the grainy one in the frutiger aero edits haha). It should play on repeat with this code. Leave a comment below if you use it and if it works for you! Thanks ^_^ (I own no rights to the song, I am just sharing a layout code for the music!...