Tags: 2000s, miku, autoplay, music, song, rawring.xd
should work when you put it on your about me section, if not, check if another code is stopping the song from playing :P [no need to comment if using ^_^] (requests r open :3) [doesnt work on mobile app ;-;] (music preview playing in bg)
Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.
Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Lower Fishy
lulu :3
using ;3
keia ♱
hellooo can i request for you to make an embedded link of https://youtu.be/nhwn7Ai1p8o?si=MAAu-nfMsEwBRDKO i can't somehow make it work T T tysmmm
ofc!!! just a question before i make it, do u want it as an embed (plays like a normal video would, u can see what is going on in the video, etc.) or an autoplay (plays a song in the background, you cant see the video on ur screen, it starts playing when u go into someones profile, etc.)? sorry 4 the question, i just didnt understand what u meant on ur comment ^^;
by Xx_rawring.xd_xX; ; Report
oh sorry !! i meant an autoplay sorry for confusing you aa
by keia ♱; ; Report
its ok dw ^_^ !!! i just published it heres the layout link :3 ( https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=95483 )
by Xx_rawring.xd_xX; ; Report