Tags: cheat sheet, help for layouts
i made this and i recommmend using this if u already know the basics but are lazy. if u odnt know the basics yet i would recommend watching "how to edit your spacehey layout" by Cryptic Jasmine on youtube. . . WHERE/HOW TO GET A URL? just go to a random picture on google/pinterest and do right mouse click and click "open image on new tab" and copy the code on the top of the page. . . . HOW TO GET COLORS? you can pick the basic colors (for example: pink, green, blue...) but u can also go to any program from adobe or just someting that has a color weel. chose the color u like and copy the code (example: #444444, #737373...) DON'T FORGET THE HASTAG . . . .HOW TO GET FONT CODES? Cryptic Jasmine explains this pretty well in her video
Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.
Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.
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Can't believe I'm the first comment. Thank you, your majesty!