maetan nya's profile picture

Layout published by maetan nya


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ROBLOX 2013 Layout

Tags: roblox, 2013, videogames, internet, what do i put here


I tried making the nav bars max width and position fixed, but that's impossible unfortunately, I hope i can find a solution to that, somehow.

activity status doesn't work that well, it'll always show users that you're online on website.



before using it pls check on the last scroll-line depending on ur preferences whether u want to be seen as offline or online

But in future, hopefully I can add an active symbol next to usernames of profile friends list if you know what i mean, like classic roblox. and try to find solution for activity status in the profile so that it works like a regular status to show if the persons online or not!!!11 i hope what i said made sense lol

Tried my best, Hope this is enough

feel free to ask questions!


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