


:root { --themecolor5: #999999; --themecolor4: #777777; --themecolor3: #555555; --themecolor2: #333333; --themecolor1: #111111; } body{ background: var(--themecolor1); } main{ background: var(--themecolor2); } p{ color: var(--themecolor5); } h1{ color: var(--themecolor5); } h4{ color: var(--themecolor4) !important; } a{ color: var(--themecolor4) !important; } .heading{ background: var(--themecolor3) !important; } .contact, .url-info, .table-section{ border: 2px solid var(--themecolor3) !important; } .comments-table{ border: var(--themecolor3); } .comments-table tr td{ background: var(--themecolor4) !important; } .comments-table p { color: var(--themecolor1); } .profile-info .inner{ color: var(--themecolor5); } .profile-info{ border: 2px solid var(--themecolor4); } .details-table tr td{ background: var(--themecolor3) !important; color: var(--themecolor5) !important; } .count { color: var(--themecolor4); } footer, nav .top{ background: var(--themecolor2) !important; } nav .links{ background: var(--themecolor3); } .comment-replies{ border: 4px solid var(--themecolor5); } body {background-image: url(''); } } h1{ color: #D62009 text-align:center; text-decoration: underline; font-family: fantasy; font-size: 20px; } /*Rounds profile picture*/ .profile-pic img{ border-radius:25px;} Mini Rage Face Happy Smiley

Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.

Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.


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