selena's profile picture

Layout published by selena


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song mp3 file

Tags: music, song, songs


you can use this to add a song into your profile, fill in the three spaces that say "HERE". do not remove quotation marks, the first "HERE" is not supposed to have any, the other two are.

the first "HERE" should be changed to the song title you're adding in.

the second AND third "HERE" should be THE SAME, they need to be changed to a mp3 link. to do this, make a account, go to and drag over whatever song you want to use from youtube, convert and download the mp3 version and upload it to as your song, download that song, copy the address link and paste it into the second and third "HERE".

ask questions if you need help and ill try to answer, I'm new at this so i may not be able to give an answer to all.

i have this up on my profile if you want to take a look.


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Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.

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