pink internetcore anime + computer style layout

Tags: layout, pink, cute, animation, 2000s, gif, 90s, layouts, pastel


☆old web inspired layout with a cute pink theme, and chobits wallpaper! designed to look like a 2000s computer desktop. ☆ ★ please comment or give credit + add me if using! ty :) ★ feel free to change/add/remove anything as you like!! ★ please do not use as a base if you will be uploading the layout ( _ _ ) ★ leave any questions, requests, or concerns below! ★ ☆Update☆ hii thank you SO MUCH for all of the support on this layout !!! (^ ^) ily all of u || ........................................................................................................................ its been a long time since i logged in here so i'm sorry if i didnt answer any questions I probably will continue to be inactive on this account for a while unfortunately, so you don't have to friend me for credit if you dont want to, i probably wont be able to accept your request. >>>>>>>>>>>> hearts to everyone :)

Copy and paste this code into the "About me" section of your Profile to use it.

Caution: This Layout was not inspected by SpaceHey — use it at your own risk.