1 hour scene/emo playlist! (Autoplay)
Feel free to add to your profile! (Put in about me section to use) I would appreciate if you commented if you're using it! ^^ Have a nice day and tell me if you have any issues or requests!
I quit.
Last active:
SpaceHey Layouts URL:
Feel free to add to your profile! (Put in about me section to use) I would appreciate if you commented if you're using it! ^^ Have a nice day and tell me if you have any issues or requests!
feel free to use on your profile Comment if using :3 If there's an issue please tell me I will try to fix it! I will Title all the codes so you know which is which ^^
Feel free to reccomend other artists I should do! If there are any issues feel free to comment or IM me! Please comment if using ^^ Have fun
Just paste the code somewhere in your about me and it should play! If there are any issues please tell me and pls comment if you're using it :)